My friend Mindi recently "tagged" us on her blog,
MithicalMindi. What is blog tag, you ask? Here are the instructions, as her blog describes them:
1. Pick the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences. .
5. Tag five people.
Well, I have a number of books here on my desk, but in the spirit of this blog, I'm choosing
The Baby Owner's Manual. So here goes...
"Hold the object with the baby during feedings. Allow the object to absorb your scent. Some users place a small amount of breast milk on it."
Hmmm.... Curiouser and curiouser! Not as academic as Mindi's post about Ulysses, but probably as poignant! ;-)
I'm not going to tag other blogs yet, as I'm not sure if many people are actually reading this! But if I get some positive feedback about doing so, then I will.
Not much to report yet today... Ben's having a good morning. I have him in a very cute outfit. He's a forest ranger!