The day began innocently enough. Elliot came to spend the morning with us while his sister was in preschool (accompanied by her mom)... The boys seemed happy doing some basic finger painting in the back yard. While enjoying some banana muffins.
I went inside for just a minute, and when I came back, both boys had managed to get more paint on themselves--and in their hair--than on the paper!
A couple of weekends ago the UC Davis Marching Band was at the Farmers Market. The players welcomed kids (and grown ups) to come check out their instruments between songs, and Ben was particularly fascinated by the horns... The first instrument we bought for Ben was a recorder, which he still calls his "horn," and we think (and hope) he's definitely going to end up playing someday.
Needless to say, the largest horns were the most interesting for Ben, and we spent quite a bit of time watching him explore. One of the band members was particularly friendly, and even showed Ben how to blow into the mouthpiece (which Ben didn't want to do). But it was clearly the highlight of Ben's morning!