Monday, September 14, 2009


Ben loves salsa. And chips. So whenever there is salsa around, he must eat it. Even if it's mommy's HOT, spicy salsa. Now, to be fair, I could have taken it away from him. But I know him and I know that if I don't let him at least try something that he wants, he'll throw a tantrum. And his tantrums are nothing to mess with! So he tried my hot salsa. This is what happened.

When you watch, note that when he says "WAH!" that means "more" in Ben-speak.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Mommy's New Toy!

I haven't been happy with the quality of the videos I've been taking with my old digital camera. So, I splurged and bought myself a Flip camera!! It's SO easy to use, and the quality is 100% improved. See if you notice the difference...

ps-I just watched the video here on the blog, and the quality doesn't seem as improved as it does when I watch it on my computer (watching from the file directly). I'll have to figure out if there's a way to make it even better on the blog.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Body Art?

I think this speaks for itself...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Halloween Preview


Yesterday I saw this Halloween costume at Costco... a COW! I knew that it was for Ben since he loves to MOO at pretty much anything and everything. We did a trial run to make sure it fit. He had a blast! My favorite part of this video is that there is still a hanger sewn to the hood... so funny! Enjoy...