Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning!

We had a great Christmas! Our morning didn't start too early (7am, which is quite late for Ben) and was pretty leisurely. Ben spent time playing with most of his gifts as he opened them, which was fun for all of us. Here are some videos!

Ben's first gift. Toy Story dominoes...

Here's Ben opening his gift from Tommy and Kate. It's a Leap Frog spell pad... Ben already has a Leap Frog laptop (an early gift from Mom Mom) that he loves... which is what he's referring to when he says that this gift is "another 'puter."

We couldn't have let the holiday go by without getting yet another truck. I honestly didn't know this one made so much noise, or I wouldn't have bought it... but Ben loves, it, which makes it fun. For now.

Coco and Papi sent Ben a pirate ship, complete with thousands of little (i.e. swallowable) parts, action figures, and gadgets. You can guess that he LOVES this!! So far so good, as far as putting small parts in his mouth (we've put the most choke-able ones aside) and he's been playing pirate all day!

A small gift that ended up being a big hit was the set of wooden block-beads and string that is meant to be threaded... a good developmental game for hand-eye coordination (and cheap at Target!). Ben and Daddy had a good time playing with this gift together.

Finally, here is Ben opening one of the last gifts of the morning... a set of Legos from CeCe and Papa! He's been loving the Lego set they gave him last month, and he immediately started playing with these when he opened them.

Happy Holidays to All!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Papa and CeCe's Visit!

As usual, I'm a bit behind in posting... CeCe and Papa came for Thanksgiving, and we had a great week of playing! Ben enjoyed reading with CeCe, sailing with Daddy and Papa, and Mommy enjoyed watching him spend time with his grandparents. Here are some highlights...

Papa hanging out watching Ben rake leaves...

CeCe and Ben at Habit Burger...

Ben wearing the shark mittens that CeCe and Mom Mom gave him...

Playing in the leaves...

I have to admit that I've been terrible about taking pictures lately, but I will be better during the holiday season!