Monday, January 25, 2010

Lots Going On!

It's been a busy month! Lots of changes in Ben and in our life... First off, Ben is now in daycare ("school") 3 days/week. It's been a rough transition, which actually surprised us. This is a child who has wandered through airport terminals befriending anyone and everyone he's come across, and always plays with the kids at the park - no matter how old they are! So we were definitely surprised to hear that he had pretty real separation anxieties when we left. Though it makes perfect sense when we stop to think about it. As of last Friday, however, things have been getting better, so here's hoping the worst is behind us.

On Saturday, we took Ben to the boat. Though we didn't sail, we had fun hanging out aboard, letting Ben get used to the feel of the water... he did great!

Ben's language and vocabulary have taken off! Everyday he has new words and is now making clear sentences. Among his most popular words are "careful," "butterfly" (buh-sye), and "here it comes!" A very random sampling, I know. He also likes to begin about 1000 sentences a day with, "Hey, Mommy..." or "Hey, Daddy..." Though sometimes all that follows is babble (at least to us). He's quite a chatter box, though we can't understand where that comes from!! ;-)

Daddy brought a new friend home from San Francisco last week... Ben loves his lion and sleeps with him each night.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Yesterday we had a huge block party to celebrate Ben's second and Emma's third birthday(s)! For those who don't know, Emma lives across the street and she and Ben (along with her little brother Elliot) are best buds. Like Ben, Emma's birthday is right near the holidays, so the two dads planned an extravaganza for the two kids. It was AWESOME!! Here are some highlights...

The birthday cake bounce house (see the candles up in the tree branches?)

Petting zoo!!

Pony Rides!!


And, of course, CUPCAKES!