Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sitting Up!

Ben has been working hard on sitting up. Recently, he's pretty much been doing it on his own--though he often wobbles and tips over after a few minutes. Here's a sampling!

He's also obsessed with the cats. Every time one of them is close by, he reaches out and GRABS onto whatever he can: tail, ear, fur... Here he is trying to get ahold of Special:

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bye Bye Bug!

The big news around here is that we've said good bye to the Bug! Auntie Amanda and I are trading cars, and the Bug left for Georgia last week. It's exciting (and a little sad) and we'll have her VW Golf in a short time. We're doing this so that we can have a car with 4 doors... making it easier for Ben (and me) to get around town--and in and out of the car. Here's a photo of Ben next to the car right before it went away.

We just got back from a nice walk in the hills... Ben fell asleep 5 minutes before we walked in the door! So cute!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Food Glorious Food!

Last night Ben had his first "solid" food. It was actually very liquidy rice cereal (mixed with a lot of breast milk). He was pretty grumpy before we started, and he seems to have a love-hate feeling about the cereal... Enjoy the video!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Big boy stuff!

Ben has been growing and developing in leaps and bounds... most recently, he has begun teething in full force. Which means that we're not getting much sleep around here. But it's definitely hardest on him, so I won't complain!

In the meantime, Ben has started to enjoy his BOB stroller (which I love). He even napped in it the last time we went out!! So cute...

Ben likes to sit up at our level, so we bought a booster high chair. He seems to enjoy it... and it might not be too long before he tries his first solid food!

He's also interested in picking things up and getting them into his mouth--I think this has to do with the teething, too. Here he is sitting in the Bumbo on our bed watching me fold laundry.

We attempted a walk recently... but about a minute after I took this picture, Ben freaked out and we turned around!

Finally, and best of all, Ben is noticing the cats! It's really cute. And he has even had a chance to pet Chubby. Here's my attempt to capture the interest Ben shows... the picture is a bit staged, but he really just stares and watches whichever cat is closest.

Here's my latest favorite shot of Ben:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I just got a new camera that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! It's the Canon EOS Digital Rebel, and it takes photos very quickly. My old camera, which has served me very well for about 3 years, has a delay that has become so frustrating as I've tried to capture Ben's often fleeting smiles and giggles. But no more! Check out the fantastic looks he flashed at me during tummy time...

Here's what I see when I look at Ben in the bug's rear view mirror... he loves to sleep in the car!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Ben's American Tour, Part 2

After visiting New Mexico, Ben and Mommy flew to Atlanta where they first saw Greg and Bonnie, and then went on to Columbus and spent time with Grammy, Grandpa, Amanda and Mom Mom! Here are some highlights:

Bonnie and Greg's house is finished and looks incredible!

Grammy threw a meet and greet party for Ben... it was his coming out in Georgia!

Ben showed off his smile to Mom Mom...

One of the best days was when we all visited the Farm! Ben went on his first golf cart ride, and spent a lot of good time on the porch with Auntie Amanda...

Finally, here is my new favorite photo of Ben, courtesy of Amanda!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ben's American Tour, Part 1

Ben and Mommy just returned from a whirlwind tour of the U.S.! We spent 8 days traveling (without Daddy!!!) first to visit Coco, Papi, Aunt Amy, Uncle Joe, and Cousin Tommy in New Mexico, and then went on to Georgia to visit the Feagles (see details in a post coming soon). Here are some of the highlights from our first stop.

First off, meeting Cousin Tommy was a BLAST! He's 11 months old and crawling around exploring everything--including Ben!

Tommy has begun eating solid food. It's very entertaining!

Coco invited the other babies in the neighborhood over for a playdate. It was Ben's first!

Ben really loved the exersaucer at Coco and Papi's... even though it's pink!

We spent most of the rest of our time just relaxing with the family. It was truly great!!

Finally, here's a short video of Uncle Joe with the two boys. Ben freaked out at the end... but they got along wonderfully for the most part. Enjoy!