Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New swing for Andy

YouTube Video

It's actually Ben's old swing... But who's counting?!?

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nap Time

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

4 Months Old!

Today Andy is four months old. Yesterday, Ben turned three and a half! It's definitely a time of fun and growth... For all of us.

(I love Andy's look of confusion in this photo.)

Here is a short video of Andy playing. His favorite things to do (besides sleeping and eating) are grabbing things and rolling around on the floor. Enjoy!

YouTube Video

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Milestone: Sitting up!

This entry now brings me current as I catch up with blogging.

Andy has been sitting up on and off for a couple of weeks now. Today I snapped this photo of him. Yes, he fell over right after, but one of my neighbors was there and she agreed that this definitely counts as sitting up!

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Ben's bench

A couple of weeks ago I got a case of the "buildies." Ever since Jonathan and I started building together, I've periodically had the overwhelming urge to make something... Usually when we're broke and don't have supplies handy.

So when Andy went down for a nap I went to the garage to check out our pile of scrap wood. We also had a pallet so I started thinking about building Ben a little adirondack chair for the front yard. Well, the chair became a bench.

I built it in just 2.5 hours, rushing each step as I assumed Andy would surely wake up any minute.

Last weekend Ben and I sat under the tree in the front yard and painted it.

It was one of those fantastic moments. He kept saying, "Mommy, we're working together. C'mon, let's get started!" It was cute, especially since he said it again and again over the course of a couple of hours.

I liked the bench when I first finished it. But now I really love it!

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Neighborhood Fun!

As most of you know, we love our neighborhood and our neighbors. The kids all play (as do the grownups!) and we're pretty much a big extended family.

Here are some recent pictures of our adventures...

Ben riding the plasma car:

Attack of the muddy toddler!

YouTube Video

Typical scene of kids on bikes...

YouTube Video

The dynamic duo:

Mommy and Andy hanging out under a tree.

Look at my big boy!

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Lots of photos

Here are photos of the past couple of months... I promise to be better at writing *real* posts from now on!

YouTube Video

Ben napping...

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Let's try this again...

So that obviously didn't work. Let's try this again with a different app.

YouTube Video

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We're baaaaack!

I'm testing blogging apps for my phone. Since Ben "hupped" clean my laptop and destroyed it, I haven't had time to get photos off our back up drive to post. But I have tons on my phone so I figure it will be fun to see if I can just update the blog from the phone anyway.

So here goes...

I'm going to add a photo and a video and see what happens.
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