Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our Little Helper

Yesterday our latest purchase, a Learning Tower, arrived. I'd heard about these, and we finally gave in and bought one for Ben (they're not cheap).

Lately Ben has become fussier when we cook, do dishes, or do anything that he can't be a part of and see what's going on. This tower is a way for him to be up at the counter--or table--and HELP, safely. It's pretty great... very sturdy, attractive, and adjustable. The customer reviews are universally positive, and I can see why, even after less than a day.

This morning I was doing the dishes, and Ben started pulling on my knees to get my attention. I put the tower in front of the sink, filled up one side with soapy water and spoons for him to *wash*, gave him his own sponge, and he was instantly happy working along side mommy. It was really fun!

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