Friday, June 19, 2009

Can you tell he's a bit hyper?

So a friend asked me "How different can a baby and a toddler really be?" (She was kidding, but it was a funny question just the same.) Here is my answer: a baby is pretty mellow. A toddler is a crazy, mobile maniac. See these videos for proof...

Ben has *almost* learned the sounds that certain animals make:
cow = "maw"
dog = "wuf"
pig = "nk" (he only gets this one once in awhile)
duck = "kuck"
cat = "mow" or "ow" (an abbreviated version of "meow")

He also knows many of his body parts. This video is cute, but Ben actually knows the difference between his eyes and ears better than this would suggest... and he normally says "eye" when he pokes himself in the eye (versus saying it when he touches his ear, as in the video). Enjoy!

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