Friday, November 6, 2009

CeCe's Visit!

I've been terrible about updating the blog lately! We've been busy during the past month...

We had a wonderful visit with Grammy, who Ben re-named CeCe!! She was with us for a week, and gave Jonathan and me a FANTASTIC weekend away (all by ourselves!!). Ben absolutely adores CeCe, and he mentions her still on a daily basis--often saying "MY CeCe," with a strong emphasis on the "my." It's really cute! We are grateful that she could come visit, and we're hoping that she and Papa, as Ben is now calling Frank, will be here together soon (hint, hint!). Here are some highlights from her visit.

I like this one, even though CeCe looks like she's in the middle of a laugh!

Ben and Mommy (I'm so grateful when someone else is behind the camera... I have very few photos of me with Ben!).

Goofing around with Daddy...

CeCe takes some of the best photos of Ben--ever!

I love this one as well...

Maybe Ben gets his wild hair from his daddy!?!

Helping with the laundry...

Here's Ben at his Diaper Daredevils class (baby gymnastics). CeCe had a chance to see him in action!

And perhaps best of all, CeCe *weaned* Ben from his pacifier! While we were gone she forgot to give it to him at night, and he didn't need it. We've gone weeks now with NO binkie, and even though every once in awhile he'll ask for his "bink," we're fairly certain it's totally behind us now!! THANKS CECE!!!

R.I.P. Binkie!

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