Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sleep and Sandwiches

Last night Ben had his last meal at 9pm, and then slept until 5am!!! It was fabulous. Of course I was up by 3, checking on him every 15 minutes until 5, just be sure he was alive. But it was great nonetheless.

Ben had his 2 month check up on Monday, and we learned that he's up to 12.4 lbs (that's a gain of 5 lbs. since birth!). The doctor was impressed by his neck control and said that he was developmentally like a 3 or 4 month old. She referred to him as Rock Star three times during the visit. I was a proud mommy, that's for sure! It was a great appointment, except for the round of immunizations that made him scream bloody murder. I hate hearing him cry, and that was the most he's ever screamed. Hopefully we won't hear that again for a long time.

To celebrate what an advanced baby he is, I bought Ben a Bumbo. Yes, one of those weird little chairs that help babies sit up. He's not quite ready for it, head/neck wise, but he seemed kind of into it for about 10 minutes. I figure we'll just put him in it for a short time each day. Check him out:
ps--love the slippers!!

Today, being Wednesday, Jonathan came home early (god bless elementary schools with weekly half-days!). He made one of his monstrous PBJ&J sandwiches. What's the extra J for, you ask? The extra jelly he loads on... disgusting:
The picture doesn't do justice to the amount of jelly he puts on his sandwiches!! Let's put it this way, he uses a spoon to get the right amount of jelly out of the jar.

Finally, a friend sent the following link today. It's hilarious:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ben is so smart! if he continues at this rate, when he's 10, he'll have the brain of a 20 year old!

oh yeah, its ok jon, i totally use a spoon for my jelly.