Monday, March 3, 2008


Last night, we all headed to bed early. It was a tiring weekend of sunny days and Moby Dick (for me, not Ben and Jonathan. And YES, I'm still reading it. It's amazing how long it takes to get through a 600+ page book when you're doing so in blocks of about 8.5 minutes at a time!). And the last sentence (before the parenthetical) was meant to be sarcastic, of course! But in any case, we had an early night last night.

As many of you know, we're a swaddling family. And Jonathan reigns as the swaddle king, having learned the swaddle secrets directly from the nurses at the hospital after Ben was born. But lately I've noticed that Ben looks different in his swaddle... he's gone from the uniform burrito-style wrap to something that more resembles (to me at least) a cactus. See illustration:


After recording this--the most exciting video ever--we decided to re-wrap Ben with his arms out, and he immediately struck a pose:

I guess that's it for the bedtime update.

For anyone out there from Red Sox Nation: if you haven't already seen this, check out the video from Mike Lowell's Dancing with the All-Stars benefit dinner last night. It's totally hilarious!

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