Friday, October 10, 2008

Lots of Growing...

Ben had his 9 month check up today! It's so amazing to realize that we're closing in on his FIRST BIRTHDAY already... time is really flying!!!

He weighed in at 19 lbs. 13.5 oz and is 27 inches long. He's kind of a shrimp, coming in at the 25th percentile for each. But the doctor said he's totally healthy, and developing well on schedule. So I'm a happy mommy!

Ben is also standing on his own these days. He did so in front of the doctor, and the doc said Ben would likely be walking within a few weeks. So that's pretty exciting... we're about to enter toddler-dom around here.

Here are some photos from the past couple of weeks.

These first two are hilarious. About a week ago, Ben refused to take his morning nap. At lunch he was happily eating peas, cheese, and cheerios. While I was cutting up some more cheese, he fell asleep in his high chair! It was really cute.

Here's our little guy working out with some one armed push ups!!

Last night I cleared out all of the clothes Ben has outgrown! It made me kind of sad... but also makes me realize how quickly he's growing into 12+ month sizes. Hint, hint...

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