Saturday, October 25, 2008


I've been waiting weeks to take Ben to a pumpkin patch in preparation for his first Halloween... we finally got our acts together and were ready to set out this morning. That is until Jonathan noticed that there was a "plumbing" problem in both of our bathrooms. I'll spare you the details, but let's just say that things were backed up due to a broken main line. We're still waiting to hear from the rental company that we deal with in order to find out when things will get fixed. Stay tuned for more...

In the meantime, our friend Mindi joined Ben and me for PUMPKINS (while Daddy stayed to talk with the plumber). It was a gorgeous day, and I was ready with my camera to get tons of shots of Ben climbing around on the pumpkins... until my battery died. Yes, like a dope I totally forgot to charge it!! So all I was able to get--with Mindi's help--was 10 photos. Here are a few. Enjoy!

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