Saturday, March 20, 2010


I wanted to write down the funny things Ben says, primarily so that I have a record of them myself. But it occurred to me that some of you might be amused as well, so here goes!

Random Benisms:
*nannies = bananas
*supie coo-ah = super cool
*Star Hoes (formerly Stah Whores) = Star Wars
*Dahth Vadah = Darth Vader (yes... he's watching Star Wars, and yes he seems to have a Boston accent!)
*Eeiss = Ellie (my friend's daughter)
*Eeott = Elliot (our friend across the street)
*ah-some = awesome
*boo dozer = bulldozer
*finging = swinging
*fimming = swimming

Ben seems to have a strange obsession with benches. A few weekends ago I took him swimming at the gym. On the way in, he tripped and fell on the sidewalk and skinned his knee. Since then, he proudly states, "I fall off bench. I got owie."

Here are a few shots from this morning... playing with trains and trying to get a decent photo with Mommy.

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