Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our Big Boy!

Ben is growing and changing so fast these days. It seems like he's getting bigger by the minute! Here's a look at what's been going on in Ben Land:

First off, Ben is finally big enough to really ride in the bike trailer we have for him. We'd taken him around the neighborhood before, but this weekend, we rode 2 miles into town and back. Ben LOVED it! He giggled and pointed at all of the "gucks" (trucks) that we passed on the way! These photos are actually from the day before... I towed him behind my bike when we went downtown. But we can switch him back and forth between our bikes, which makes it fun.

Ben continues his training in the janitorial arts. He is obsessed with the brooms, dustpans, and vacuum in the house! I figure in a couple of years, we can put him to work around here!!

I love this photo. Ben was kind of tired and carried his alligator near the t.v. (where Nemo was on for the millionth time). He plopped down, put his feet up on the recliner and ate his carrot while watching! So cute...

And of course, books! Ben wrangled Daddy into a short story-time session at 7am before Jonathan had to leave for work. The kid loves his dad!!

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